Mall picnic
Because it’s 2020, we had to eat our lunch on the floor at the mall. It’s freaky how everything is closed off and empty inside but it’s a relief that plenty of people are outside in the main shopping areas, just carrying on. The mall wasn’t swamped with people but it was still busy. I’ve heard that malls are a thing of the past in America but, luckily, we’re still able to enjoy them over here.
It’s almost Christmas and Mister Pick is off work. We’re officially calling it time to celebrate as Jack’s 1st visit from Santa and his 1st birthday are coming up this month. We’ll make a conscious effort to have fantastic Christmas despite everything that’s gone on in the world this year. https://suzanne.micro.blog/
25 sleeps until Christmas
Jack turned 11 months old yesterday and I’m sort of freaking out about him being a year old soon (and no longer a baby!) I’ve kept him in our room in a mini cot because I didn’t want him all alone at night. This week I’ve finally started seeing if he’ll sleep in his big boy cot and I do not like it at all. In the daytime, we’ve still been taking walks and just trying to carry on as we get ready for Christmas. https://suzanne.micro.blog/
I’ve been working on my Christmas list and, honestly, I only want stationery and planners. I’ve lost weight since having Jack (thank you, Slimming World), so I don’t want clothes yet, except maybe pjs. Besides, we can’t go anywhere these days anyway so lounge wear is all I need.
Today was my third Keeping in Touch day at work. I did a Saturday library shift for the first time since December. With Covid, lots of procedures have changed, so it feels weird walking into the set up midstream while everyone else has dealt with it as it progressed. #librarylife
Jack’s been doing well with a schedule. He slept through the night last night but that was after a lot of fussing. Tonight I eased him into it and he did much better. Here’s to another night of snoozing. 🤞🏻 Also, walking and Fit Adventures has been my exercise of choice lately.
Since it was rainy and windy again today, Jack and I took another car ride. This time we went to Beamish and back. I miss that place so much. I also found out that Taco Bell delivers, so that was our dinner. It doesn’t take much to make me happy. 🌮
Jack and I took a ride in the car today since it was raining. We drove out past The Angel and around where our old flat was. I still miss that area. I’d move back if we could ever get a nice house there. Daisy and I went to the park, chatted to the other dogs, and got rained on.
Yesterday was a good day for Florida and The Space Coast. My Dad took this photo from the backyard. The house is about 18 miles away from the launch pad. Florida does have its perks. We still don’t know if we’ll visit in September or not. I miss it, but we have to be safe.
The last two days, we’ve enjoyed the sunshine by taking walks around the neighbourhood. Today we went 2 miles to the Quayside and I got 12 activity points for the day. I wonder when WW and Slimming World will be meeting again. I could use the motivation.
The key to keeping the day interesting and not completely repetitive and boring is to have at least something different each day. Some days I make that acheivement and some daya I don’t. I don’t leave the house every day though because there are only a few places to actually go.
Today is our first day of unlimited exercise. It hailed this morning. I find that quite fitting. My back is still hurting, and my knees are still numb. Jack slept better last night so maybe soon I can do proper exercise again if I know I’ll be able to rest the night after.
Friday is a bank holiday to coincide with VE Day. It’s supposed to be 69F today. Maybe Jack and I will take a ride or a walk in the pram. I have exercise classes and a bike to ride. I could jog again but I’m sort of tied up in mommy-ing. At least Mister Pick isn’t working today.
This is my first post. Jack and I are still trying to find things to do during lockdown. We go for walks, we take rides in the car, we play with the baby gym, we read books, and take naps. But he doesn’t want to sleep in his cot at night, so we’re struggling. We’ll keep trying.
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