Well, it’s been quite busy for me lately and I’ve been completely exhausted. I’ve ended up having to withdraw from two online business classes I signed up for when I had more energy and more enthusiasm.

The trouble with things like courses is that they expect you to keep being able to do homework when you have one break in the day and you are too tired to keep your eyes open during that break. So it’s a bummer and quitting is bad, blah blah, but I cannot be bothered by that anymore. I know my limitations now, or accepted them really, and nope. No business classes for me.

All I have time for is work and watching after Jack, so that’s what I do. We’ve started going to Mummy and Me classes more (now that we aren’t both still sick) and I stopped entertaining the idea that I have energy, brainpower, or availability to do much else. That is something I don’t think I really got until recently when everyone was sick for a while (we’ve been sick a lot this year).

The important things are the ones I have to be mentally present for, and that’s why I have to step back and stop trying to do all the things because I just can’t.

This is also a message for anyone else who has heard their whole life that “not enough time” is an excuse. It’s not. Not always. There are things we would like to do but it’s not essential so we scrap it.

I really should write about about how under-achieving is a perfectly good goal.