Being “just” a mother
I read an article recently about how being mostly a mother and nothing else, or what we used to be, is fine for now. I have to say I agree. I am too shattered to think or speak coherently anymore. I don’t have time to myself. I sit down and immediately have to get up again because my son needs something (or is into something he should). All of the aspirations for things I’d like to do (gym, spa day, shopping, reading, etc.) just aren’t going to happen easily. I have to take time off work when my son is at nursery. That is the only time I have a breather and then I feel bad because I’m wasting time without being with him. It’s not just mom guilt, it’s complete boredom. So for now, and for a long while I hope, my being a mother is who I am and what I do. Trying to put anything else on top of that just stresses me out when I know it’s never going to happen.…