• 8 More Sleeps

    It’s official: Christmas break has started for me and Mister Pick. Jack will be at nursery next week and his birthday party is tomorrow but we’re still doing festive things and getting ready for Santa. December came around quick this year because we’ve been running around so much but now it’s time to wind down and enjoy our family time together.

  • We took a rainy Sunday afternoon walk down to the community centre for playtime today.

  • The summer of hanging out

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted and so much has gone on, but I wanted to report that we’re all still fine and everyone is doing okay. Jack’s nursery is shut for a couple of weeks, so Steve and I are taking turns being off from work to hang out with him. Today, Steve took him to Ushaw in Durham for the first time. Tomorrow will be swimming, no doubt, because that’s what Jack asks me to do pretty much every day. There’s tons I could mentions like being in Florida in June, getting Covid at the beginning of July, and spending the summer so far just hanging out. We’ve seen Paw Patrol Live at the Arena, Peppa Pig Live at the Theatre Royal (first time on the bus and first time in town) and his first friend’s birthday party. All super exciting to us probably more so than Jack. So with that said, it’s late and I need sleep. Maybe I’ll update my regular blog soon but I am so out of touch, I don’t even know if the domain works anymore. Motherhood is taking a #1 priority in my life over all of the things I used to dabble in.

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