A note about grief
If there’s anything I say about grief, it’s that no amount of worry can prepare you for what it feels like. Also, there’s nothing you can do to fix it. The only thing you can do is to keep going, as unfortunate as that is. Luckily, we have Jack around to make me have to keep going. Swim lessons, have term, school run, and playing LEGO at home: none of that stops. That means my daily task is to simply carry on.
Beginning again
It’s hard to explain how grief feels until you experience it. We had a short and stressful flight to and from Florida last week. My mother passed before we got to Orlando. Jack has handled things very well and I think being so young is a blessing as he knows his Nanny is gone but he told me that we should just focus on the happy things. He’s right, of course. The road seems like and daunting but Mom wouldn’t want me to stop living my life or be too down about this. However, it is going to take some time to process and find the tools to manoeuvre on this unknown territory.
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